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Arts, Culture & Music
Italian Through Art
Improve your knowledge of Italian language and culture through its splendid history of art! From the Roman Empire through the Middle Age to the Renaissance, you'll travel along centuries of art history while strengthening your pronunciation, grammar, and fluency in this online, 8-week course. Power Point presentations, articles, and videos will support each lesson and shed light on some of the most significant periods and expressions in art history. Great masters such as Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo, the renowned monuments of Rome, Venice, and Florence, as well as lesser known treasures, will be discussed. This course provides students with the tools not only for a better understanding of art, but also to be more fluent and confident in speaking Italian. Prerequisites: This course is recommended for intermediate and advanced Italian speakers. If you are looking for an introductory Italian course, we recommend
Instant Italian
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