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Community Ed - Sedona/Verde   

Winter Spring 2025 Registration is Now Open!

Click to view the Sedona / Verde Valley Community Education Schedule

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  • ASL for Adventurous Adults
  • Item: SCE-WRI551-SP25
    Tuition: $186.00
    Days: M W     Dates: 3/31/2025 - 5/7/2025
    Sessions: 12     Times: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM     
    Room: 29     Building: Sedona Center       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 15
    Instructor: Angela Emerson
    Dive into American Sign Language (ASL) with our engaging, hands-on course! Whether you're a total newbie or just a bit rusty, we'll have you signing like a pro in no time. You'll learn to sign while enjoying fun and interactive sessions. Whether for career growth, communication with Deaf friends, or exploring a new language, our course offers practical practice and insights from Deaf community members. Students should have some prior learning experience with ASL. *Students will be tested on their signing and understanding ability in this course.* Class will meet via Zoom on days in-person meetings are not possible.

    Class will meet via Zoom on days in-person meetings are not possible.

  • Cult Dynamics In Everyday Life
  • Item: VCE-HIS250-SP25
    Tuition: $133.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 4/3/2025 - 5/8/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM     
    Room: 138     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 15
    Instructor: Candice Schutter
    In this class we explore the psychosocial dynamics that shape human susceptibility to us-versus-them mindsets. Everyday cult dynamics will be defined and explored using a variety of examples (ie. interpersonal relationships, conspirituality, sociopolitical movements, religious fundamentalism), and we will examine how colonialism has influenced 'cult'ure over time. This course is directly informed by the work of survivors and cult researchers. Students will leave with a greater understanding of high-demand influence and be better equipped to spot and speak to culty red flags in real time.

    The April 24 class will meet in Room I-118.

  • Get Smarter About Your iPhone
  • Item: VCE-COM102-SP25
    Tuition: $133.00
    Days: Tu     Dates: 4/1/2025 - 5/6/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM     
    Room: 138     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Instructor: Sharon Sherman
    This class is cancelled.
    Most of us cannot seem to live without our iPhones – but we often do not take advantage of their capabilities or are frustrated with them. This class will explore the revolutionary technologies, connectivity, and components involved in these devices.  Learn essential settings, apps, features, and operations that enable their tremendous versatility and usefulness.  Explore what we need to know about carriers and purchasing equipment.  Learn about voice control and more:  managing, maintaining, handling security, email accounts, wi-fi use, and texting.  Come get a little smarter about your tech, the Apple iPhone and iPad, and learn more about these life-sustaining tools.


  • Intermediate Conversational Italian
  • Item: ZCE-WRI553-SP25
    Tuition: $118.00
    Days: M     Dates: 3/31/2025 - 5/5/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM     
    Room: Zoom     Building: WebLive       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 8
    Instructor: Sandra Immerso

    Our most popular course for nearly a decade running, Conversational Italian with Sandy Immerso is a showcase for what makes community education so powerful: An excellent teacher, an engaged class-room community, and a fantastic subject. Join one of the most exciting groups of learners west of the Mississippi (but only a hop, skip, and a jump from Italy) today!

    Please note: This class is intended for individuals with an intermediate-level conversational grasp of the language.  New students need to purchase the text book: Intermediate Italian Short Stories by Lingo Mastery.

    This is not a beginner course; if you are interested in Beginning Italian, please contact us at 928-634-6537.  


  • Intermediate Conversational Spanish
  • Item: ZCE-WRI554-SP25
    Tuition: $118.00
    Days: M     Dates: 3/31/2025 - 5/5/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM     
    Room: Zoom     Building: WebLive       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 9
    Instructor: Sandra Immerso

    After years of teaching the incredibly popular Conversational Italian, beloved instructor Sandy Immerso began teaching a similarly-styled Spanish course in 2019. To no one’s surprise, it immediately became a massive hit. Come learn with a welcoming community of Spanish enthusiasts — learn to speak better to communicate with Español speakers every day, or use the occasion to plan for your next trip to a Spanish-speaking country!  Please note: This class is intended for individuals with an intermediate-level  conversational grasp of the language. This is not a beginner course; if you are interested in Beginning Spanish, please contact us at 928-634-6537. 


  • Intro to Mountain Biking
  • Item: VCE-ACT011-SP25
    Tuition: $180.00
    Days: Tu     Dates: 4/15/2025 - 4/29/2025
    Sessions: 3     Times: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM     
    Room: 103     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.G       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 14
    Instructor: Greg Miranda

    Join us for our Spring Intro to Mountain Biking course, designed for adults and young learners aged 12+.  This hands-on program will guide students through essential foundational skills and techniques needed to confidently and safely navigate the trails.

    Experienced instructors will give students personalized feedback and cover topics, such as: skill building, essential items to bring on a ride, trail side maintenance, basic nutrition, and stretching. Come prepared for a friendly and supportive group environment!   Students are welcome to bring their own bikes.  Bike rentals available from Verde Valley Bicycle Company for $100.

    Students should schedule an appointment for April 8 with Verde Valley Bicycle Company to rent & get fitted for a rental bike or for a free basic consultation for their personal mountain bike. Students should bring a bike helmet, bike gloves, and water. 


  • Introduction to Digital Photography
  • Item: SCE-ART053-SP25
    Tuition: $145.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 4/3/2025 - 5/8/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 5:00 PM - 7:45 PM     
    Room: 28     Building: Sedona Center       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 9
    Instructor: Zach Rohe
    Learn the basics of digital photography including how to photograph landscapes, wildlife, people, and more.  Instruction on the functions of a camera and how to use different settings to create great photos. Photos will be edited and set up to share in different formats.  Students will be required to bring their own digital camera. Participants will be asked to subscribe to the Lightroom app for this class. 


  • Let's Draw! Drawing 101
  • Item: VCE-ART052-WI25
    Tuition: $118.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 4/3/2025 - 5/8/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM     
    Room: 102     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.G       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 9
    Instructor: Art Gecko
    Begin your drawing journey here. This course will take you through the process of drawing. Building forms, using shapes, shadows, and highlights. We will use various drawing media, from pencils, chalk, and ink.  Students purchase their own materials for approximately $40.

    Recommended Supplies: Pencils, vine charcoal, brush pen, sharpie marker, white pencil. Drawing paper pad 9" X 12" Toned drawing paper, grey 9" X 12"

  • Lifeguarding
  • Item: CRC-PRO603-SP25
    Tuition: $47.00
    Days: Tu W Th     Dates: 3/18/2025 - 3/20/2025
    Sessions: 3     Times: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM     
    Room: Conference Area     Building: Cottonwood Recreation Center       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 10

    The American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification course will train and certify participants to be a lifeguard for swimming pools. The Lifeguard certification course includes the following American Red Cross certifications: Lifeguarding, First Aid and CPR/AED for the professional rescuer, valid for 2 years. Courses are all a blended learning course format with online education, classroom, and in-water components. American Red Cross requires all Lifeguard certification candidates to complete the American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Online Course prior to the first-class date. Participants must be at least 15 years old at the time of the course. Attendance is required at all class sessions. 

    Course costs: $47 plus $150 fee for American Red Cross Certification. -Registration closes March 13.

  • Qigong for Wellness
  • Item: SCE-ACT014-SP25
    Tuition: $159.00
    Days: Tu Th     Dates: 4/1/2025 - 5/8/2025
    Sessions: 12     Times: 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM     
    Room: 29     Building: Sedona Center       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 14
    Instructor: Gina Wu
    Enjoy and experience easy relaxed movements that promote healthy range of movement and increased well-being. We will also discuss health concepts in this interactive format. All levels are welcome to attend.


  • Realistic Nutrition for Real People and Our Families
  • Item: VCE-HEA201-SP25
    Tuition: $75.00
    Days: M     Dates: 4/7/2025 - 4/21/2025
    Sessions: 3     Times: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM     
    Room: 103     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.G       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 50
    Instructor: Lisa Jachowicz
    How did nutrition and dietary recommendations become so complicated, confusing, contradictory, and unrelatable to real life?!  Join Coach Lisa to remember the basics of nutrition and make a plan!Lisa will guide you through self-assessing your needs and your situation to understand YOUR dietary requirements based on YOU and YOUR goals. We will take a tour of the current dietary trends. By the end of class, you will be equipped with tools and a framework to make a plan tailored to your goals. All of this will be offered in a friendly setting with a coach who lives in the real world with you.


  • Tai Chi Chih®
  • Item: VCE-ACT002-SP25
    Tuition: $118.00
    Days: Tu Th     Dates: 4/1/2025 - 5/15/2025
    Sessions: 12     Times: 10:10 AM - 11:10 AM     
    Room: 137     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 10
    Instructor: Janet Batchelder

    T'ai Chi Chih, often referred to as "joy through movement" or "moving meditation," is a simple practice.  It can bring benefits into your life, such as increased energy, improved balance, vitality, improved health among others.  Regular practice promotes well-being, relaxation, and serenity in the midst of activity, while nurturing a deep sense of you and contentment in the present moment.

    You'll enjoy this gentle, contemplative workout with Janet Batchelder, easily one of our most popular instructors. Wear comfortable clothing and non-slip shoes. 

    No class April 8 & 10

  • The Calming Art & Craft of Calligraphy
  • Item: SCE-ART054-SP25
    Tuition: $80.00
    Days: Tu     Dates: 4/15/2025 - 4/22/2025
    Sessions: 2     Times: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM     
    Room: 28     Building: Sedona Center       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 15
    Instructor: Caroline Joy Adams
    Calligraphy is the art and craft of beautiful handwriting - and it a very calming, meditative activity. You will get a quick overview of three popular calligraphic styles - Italic, Uncial, and Blackletter - and you will have fun creating some beautiful bookmarks, journal covers, greeting cards, and other projects. Whether you have some experience already with this wonderful art form, or just want to get started, all are welcome. Approximate cost of supplies will be about $30. Supply list will be provided with registration receipt.


  • Watercolor Landscapes
  • Item: VCE-ART053-WI25
    Tuition: $118.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 4/3/2025 - 5/8/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM     
    Room: 102     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.G       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 2
    Instructor: Art Gecko

    In Watercolor Landscape Painting with Art Gecko, students will become familiar with basic materials and equipment, understand basic watercolor techniques, execute key topics into basic landscape designs, find joy in painting, and share knowledge with one another. Each week will bring a new lesson as students learn increasingly advanced techniques, building on previous lessons, including the use of mixed media, pens, pencils, etc. The class will also go over washes, glazing and layering, lifting, using frisket, and more. Students will learn about the materials, including brushes, brush care, paper, paints, (tubes vs. pans), color choices, and wet/dry techniques. The class will discuss composition as well as what makes a piece compelling, and what makes a piece boring. The class will do sketching, focusing on composition, and values to create a foundation for a great painting. See why students find classes with Art Gecko fun and informative. 

    Students purchase their own materials. A supply list will be provided upon registration.


  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Item: VCE-ACT005-SP25
    Tuition: $87.00
    Days: W     Dates: 4/9/2025 - 4/30/2025
    Sessions: 4     Times: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM     
    Room: 137     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 12
    Instructor: Lisa Jachowicz

    Whether you are new to yoga and meditation, or looking to expand your current practice, this class is for you!Yoga and meditation are proven to positively affect physical health, mental health, and mood. Practicing together offers social connection and FUN…especially with this longtime teacher. She will guide you through a variety of breathing practices, fundamental postures, gentle flows, relaxation, and meditation techniques designed to support your well-being. Foundational yoga and meditation concepts will be thoughtfully woven through each class. Appropriate for all levels. Wear comfortable clothing. Please bring your yoga mat and a bath or beach towel.


  • Yoga OFF THE Mat Series
  • Item: VCE-ACT007-SP25
    Tuition: $87.00
    Days: W     Dates: 4/2/2025 - 4/23/2025
    Sessions: 4     Times: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM     
    Room: 203     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.M       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 27
    Instructor: Lisa Jachowicz
    Did you know yoga is more than doing poses? Do you want to learn the types and styles of yoga to choose the right kind for you? Do you ever wonder WHY we do and say the things we do in class?  Let’s step off our mats and into the classroom! In this series we explore yoga’s history and many styles, dive into the 8 Limbs of Yoga, learn about our Energy Body (the chakras!), and answer the most common questions Lisa’s students have posed over the past 20+ years. *Bring your notebook not your mat! This is NOT an asana (pose) based class.*


  • Zumba
  • Item: VCE-ACT009-SP25
    Tuition: $181.00
    Days: M W     Dates: 3/31/2025 - 5/7/2025
    Sessions: 12     Times: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM     
    Room: 137     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Enroll Min: 4    Remaining Seats: 12
    Join our exhilarating Zumba Fitness program that blends world rhythm with easy-to-follow dance choreography and aerobics for a total body workout. This fun and energetic class caters to all ages and fitness levels.


  • Beginner Level Line Dancing
  • Item: VCE-ACT010-WI25
    Tuition: $102.00
    Days: W     Dates: 2/5/2025 - 3/12/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM     
    Room: 137     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Instructor: Sally Gebler
    Class is already in session.  Registration for this class is closed.
    These beginner level line dance classes are a fun and easy way to get your heart pumping, "find your feet" AND improve your mental acuity. This social dance style requires no partner or previous experience. Line dancing is an easy form of dance and a great way to get a good workout, improve posture & coordination, balance and mood. Sally will break down the steps for a safe and enjoyable learning experience. As you learn iconic, urban and soul line dances, you will discover that dancing is the best medicine!


  • EDGAR CAYCE and THE BIBLE: Christianity meets the New Age (in-person)
  • Item: VCE-PHI401-WI25
    Tuition: $95.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 2/6/2025 - 3/6/2025
    Sessions: 5     Times: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM     
    Room: 102     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.G       
    Instructor: Russell White
    This class is cancelled.

    An exploration of the channeled readings of Edgar Cayce, with a focus on his astonishing interpretations of the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible. Classes will include the following: a study of the origin and destiny of the soul; a new look at Old Testament characters and events such as Moses and the Exodus; the life (and past lives) of Jesus of Nazareth and his relationship with the Essenes; and a unique and surprising interpretation of the mysterious Book of Revelation. Classes will be conducted with a respect for all points of view on this soul-stirring topic.

    In case of inclement weather, this class will meet via Zoom. 


  • Fitness for Everyone: Personal Training in a Group Setting
  • Item: VCE-ACT003-WI25
    Tuition: $150.00
    Days: M W     Dates: 2/3/2025 - 3/12/2025
    Sessions: 12     Times: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM     
    Room: 137     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Instructor: Alma Rodoni
    Class is already in session.  Registration for this class is closed.
    Looking for group fitness tailored to your individual needs? This popular course offers personal training in a group setting. The class is designed for all fitness levels and exercises will be illustrated at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of difficulty. You will be encouraged to work at a level of intensity appropriate for you. The classes will include a large variety of movements, multiple workout disciplines, team work, music, and games to make it interesting every day. Your mind and your muscles will never be bored. You will increase strength and cardio capacity and improve agility and flexibility. Popular instructor Alma Rodoni is known for her enthusiasm and ability to motivate you every day, all in a supportive way. Improve your conditioning and have fun while you do it. Students should bring yoga mats.


  • Get Smarter About Your Mac PC
  • Item: VCE-COM101-WI25
    Tuition: $133.00
    Days: Tu     Dates: 2/4/2025 - 3/11/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM     
    Room: 138     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Instructor: Sharon Sherman
    This class is cancelled.
    Do you sometimes feel frustrated because of the complexity of using our computers?  Or perhaps you have had years of hit-or-miss learning?  We will learn more about today’s computer technology, including PC hardware, the Mac operating system settings, peripheral connections, file and application management, Internet connectivity, cloud storage with iCloud, security, and maintenance, including backing up your computer with Time Machine.  Understand what is happening with your PC and versions, currently Sequoia. Become more familiar with how your computer syncs with other devices and the Cloud. You will end up with a smarter computer and a smarter you!


  • Healing the Earth & Ourselves with Qi Gong
  • Item: SCE-ACT012-WI25
    Tuition: $97.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 2/6/2025 - 3/6/2025
    Sessions: 4     Times: 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM     
    Room: 29     Building: Sedona Center       
    Instructor: Rita Faruki
    This class is cancelled.

    Qi Gong is an ancient system of movement that relieves stress and increases energy. It is considered a health system that utilizes slow, gentle movements to enhance our inner health. Through these flowing patterns, we will cultivate a reciprocal connection with earth where the earth comes up and finds our heart, and where spirit comes down and meets the heart. When we heal ourselves by engaging in these healing movements, the earth benefits from our well-being. No class Thursday, February 27. 

    No class Thursday, February 27

  • Intermediate Conversational Italian
  • Item: ZCE-WRI551-WI25
    Tuition: $118.00
    Days: M     Dates: 2/3/2025 - 3/10/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM     
    Room: Zoom     Building: WebLive       
    Instructor: Sandra Immerso
    This class is cancelled.

    Our most popular course for nearly a decade running, Conversational Italian with Sandy Immerso is a showcase for what makes community education so powerful: An excellent teacher, an engaged class-room community, and a fantastic subject. Join one of the most exciting groups of learners west of the Mississippi (but only a hop, skip, and a jump from Italy) today!

    Please note: This class is intended for individuals with an intermediate-level conversational grasp of the language.  New students need to purchase the text book: Intermediate Italian Short Stories by Lingo Mastery.

    This is not a beginner course; if you are interested in Beginning Italian, please contact us at 928-634-6537.  


  • Intermediate Conversational Spanish
  • Item: ZCE-WRI552-WI25
    Tuition: $118.00
    Days: M     Dates: 2/3/2025 - 3/10/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM     
    Room: Zoom     Building: WebLive       
    Instructor: Sandra Immerso
    This class is cancelled.

    After years of teaching the incredibly popular Conversational Italian, beloved instructor Sandy Immerso began teaching a similarly-styled Spanish course in 2019. To no one’s surprise, it immediately became a massive hit. Come learn with a welcoming community of Spanish enthusiasts — learn to speak better to communicate with Español speakers every day, or use the occasion to plan for your next trip to a Spanish-speaking country!  Please note: This class is intended for individuals with an intermediate-level  conversational grasp of the language. This is not a beginner course; if you are interested in Beginning Spanish, please contact us at 928-634-6537. 


  • Intro to Podcasting
  • Item: VCE-COM100-WI25
    Tuition: $133.00
    Days: Tu     Dates: 2/4/2025 - 3/11/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM     
    Room: 103     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.G       
    Instructor: Candice Schutter
    Class is already in session.  Registration for this class is closed.
    Are you thinking about starting a podcast? This class will help you make an informed decision about whether or not content creation is right for you. Learn what it takes from a do-it-yourself podcaster. This class will cover: real-talk about the time and money required, recommendations for equipment/software used in at-home production, hosting best practices and more. Equipped with the right knowledge, you'll be streaming in no time. Students should bring a USB and headphones to class. 


  • Landscape Drawing
  • Item: VCE-ART051-WI25
    Tuition: $118.00
    Days: M     Dates: 2/3/2025 - 3/10/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM     
    Room: 107     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.G       
    Instructor: Art Gecko
    Class is already in session.  Registration for this class is closed.

    Learn how to draw landscapes, from plains and forests to the red rocks and more. Landscapes are diverse and can be tricky to accomplish. Learn how to convincingly create beautiful landscapes in drawings. Students will study the shapes and compositions of landscapes, starting with values in greyscale and moving into full color. A recommended supply list will be provided upon registration.

    Supply list: 9x12 drawing pad, graphite pencils, colored pencils, sharpener, and eraser

  • Play Guitar Now
  • Item: SCE-ART054-WI25
    Tuition: $135.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 2/6/2025 - 3/13/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM     
    Room: 138     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Instructor: Richard Pierce
    Class is already in session.  Registration for this class is closed.
    Join us for an exciting journey into the world of guitar playing! This beginner-friendly course is designed for those who are getting started with playing the guitar. It should be fun, and no experience is needed. Over the span of several weeks, you will learn the fundamentals of guitar including tuning, strumming, picking, music theory, and tab notation. Each session will focus on building your skills progressively, in order to develop a solid foundation. Students should bring a guitar and electronic tuner to class. 

    Students should bring a guitar and electronic tuner. Class will have a late start on February 20. Class will be held from 5:30pm to 7:30pm on this day.

  • Qigong for Wellness
  • Item: SCE-ACT013-WI25
    Tuition: $139.00
    Days: M W     Dates: 2/3/2025 - 3/5/2025
    Sessions: 8     Times: 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM     
    Room: 29     Building: Sedona Center       
    Instructor: Gina Wu
    This class is cancelled.
    Enjoy and experience easy relaxed movements that promote healthy range of movement and increased well-being. We will also discuss health concepts in this interactive format. All levels are welcome to attend.

    No class February 24 and 26 due to Sedona Film Festival

  • Realistic Nutrition for Real People and Our Families
  • Item: VCE-HEA200-WI25
    Tuition: $75.00
    Days: M     Dates: 2/3/2025 - 2/17/2025
    Sessions: 3     Times: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM     
    Room: 103     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.G       
    Instructor: Lisa Jachowicz
    This class is cancelled.
    How did nutrition and dietary recommendations become so complicated, confusing, contradictory, and unrelatable to real life?!  Join Coach Lisa to remember the basics of nutrition and make a plan!Lisa will guide you through self-assessing your needs and your situation to understand YOUR dietary requirements based on YOU and YOUR goals. We will take a tour of the current dietary trends. By the end of class, you will be equipped with tools and a framework to make a plan tailored to your goals. All of this will be offered in a friendly setting with a coach who lives in the real world with you.


  • Tai Chi Chih®
  • Item: VCE-ACT001-WI25
    Tuition: $118.00
    Days: Tu Th     Dates: 2/4/2025 - 3/13/2025
    Sessions: 12     Times: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM     
    Room: 137     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Instructor: Janet Batchelder
    Class is already in session.  Registration for this class is closed.

    T'ai Chi Chih, often referred to as "joy through movement" or "moving meditation," is a simple practice.  It can bring benefits into your life, such as increased energy, improved balance, vitality, improved health among others.  Regular practice promotes well-being, relaxation, and serenity in the midst of activity, while nurturing a deep sense of you and contentment in the present moment.

    You'll enjoy this gentle, contemplative workout with Janet Batchelder, easily one of our most popular instructors. Wear comfortable clothing and non-slip shoes. 


  • Watercolors for Beginners
  • Item: VCE-ART050-WI25
    Tuition: $118.00
    Days: M     Dates: 2/3/2025 - 3/10/2025
    Sessions: 6     Times: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM     
    Room: 107     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.G       
    Instructor: Art Gecko
    Class is already in session.  Registration for this class is closed.
    We will discuss watercolors, how they work, and why they work: tubes versus pans, paper, brushes, and then practice exercises to strenghthen your painting techniques. We will then proceed to painting simple pieces, selected for the specific lessons. Students will purchase own materials. A supply list will be provided by the instructor.


  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Item: VCE-ACT004-WI25
    Tuition: $87.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 2/6/2025 - 2/27/2025
    Sessions: 4     Times: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM     
    Room: 137     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    Instructor: Lisa Jachowicz
    Class is already in session.  Registration for this class is closed.

    Whether you are new to yoga and meditation, or looking to expand your current practice, this class is for you!Yoga and meditation are proven to positively affect physical health, mental health, and mood. Practicing together offers social connection and FUN…especially with this longtime teacher. She will guide you through a variety of breathing practices, fundamental postures, gentle flows, relaxation, and meditation techniques designed to support your well-being. Foundational yoga and meditation concepts will be thoughtfully woven through each class. Appropriate for all levels. Wear comfortable clothing. Please bring your yoga mat and a bath or beach towel.


  • Yoga OFF THE Mat Series
  • Item: VCE-ACT006-WI25
    Tuition: $87.00
    Days: W     Dates: 2/5/2025 - 2/26/2025
    Sessions: 4     Times: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM     
    Room: 203     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.M       
    Instructor: Lisa Jachowicz
    This class is cancelled.
    Did you know yoga is more than doing poses? Do you want to learn the types and styles of yoga to choose the right kind for you? Do you ever wonder WHY we do and say the things we do in class?  Let’s step off our mats and into the classroom! In this series we explore yoga’s history and many styles, dive into the 8 Limbs of Yoga, learn about our Energy Body (the chakras!), and answer the most common questions Lisa’s students have posed over the past 20+ years. *Bring your notebook not your mat! This is NOT an asana (pose) based class.*


  • Zumba
  • Item: VCE-ACT008-WI25
    Tuition: $181.00
    Days: M W     Dates: 2/3/2025 - 3/12/2025
    Sessions: 12     Times: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM     
    Room: 137     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.I       
    This class is cancelled.
    Join our exhilarating Zumba Fitness program that blends world rhythm with easy-to-follow dance choreography and aerobics for a total body workout. This fun and energetic class caters to all ages and fitness levels.



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Contact us: (928) 717-7755,
For more information about the program, go to